A quick note to show you how I am using the printables I gave you last week.
I printed out a copy of each of the journaling card prompts and two sets of the stop, drop, and write list.
I’ve got a copy of the list on my refrigerator, and started the stop, drop, and write exercise as soon as I got going this morning. I’ve also got a sheet for keeping tally marks of how many sodas we drink, and loads of dishes and laundry we do as well. I find it to be useful to keep track of just how much routine stuff I do.
I’ll use the prompt cards as my family does something interesting. I think I may use the “She did what?” card right now, and document this morning’s fiasco. You’ll have to wait to see what I write till next week.
Have you started documenting your week? You will love being able to look back at this later!