Have you been playing along with the summer photo scavenger hunt? (You can find the original post, with the list here: We’re going on a scavenger hunt!) Don’t forget to share your photos on Flickr in the No Excuse Scrapbooking group.
I haven’t found a lot yet, but I expect to find more, now that I’m no longer chained to my room re-do. (Updates and pictures coming soon!)
My niece had a few fireworks on her birthday cake:
My sister-in-law planted some gorgeous astilbe:
My mom and her cousin went thru some old family photos. (My mom is going to hate this photo, but I think she and her cousin look gorgeous here.)
Early in the room moving process:
My husband reading to our youngest at bedtime:
Look how shiny my floor is after a coat of polyurethane!
A super heavy rainstorm enthralled the kids one day:
Almost to the end of the room re-do!
The kids were experimenting with water flow. AKA flooding the beach
What have you been doing with your summer? I know some of you go back to school soon. I’m so glad we’ve got the rest of August though. I’d hate for this summer to be known in the future as the non-exisitent vacation for my kids. I really didn’t think I’d be spending that much time on changing the craft room around!