How about a small step by step showing you how I used the color prompt from Design Seeds?
I don’t know about you, but I am terrible at keeping my desk clean. So the first order of business, before I can create anything, is to:
Clear off my desk:
Can anyone tell me why I have a bottle of nail polish on my desk? Oh, right! Entertained a niece the other day.
Alrighty then. Let’s have a prompt check, shall we?
Such gorgeous, rich colors, let’s see what’s in the stash.
Pull papers:
Using some 8×8 papers from the days when I sold The Angel Company products? Excellent!
Let’s pull some photos now:
The boys have discovered the joys of playing Magic: the Gathering. Did you notice the design starting to come together as well? As I shuffled papers and photos around I realized the monthly sketch from the ScrapHappy Community would work wonderfully. (If you’ve never heard of ScrapHappy you should definitely check it out. Friendliest scrapbook community on the interwebs!)
Finalize photo placement:
Organized photos so everyone was looking towards the center of the layout, and added photo mats to help the photos stand out from the patterned paper, rather than blend in.
Add titles and journaling:
A bit journaling about how the Magic bug has bit the boys, and it’s done!
Did any of you make anything? I’d love to see what you create!