Everyday we attempt to live productive lives. Lives filled with families and friends, jobs and commitments. Occasionally, we squeeze in time for ourselves. We are in constant search for that perfect mix, that equation that equals balance between home and work, self and other.
There’s no such thing. Sometimes, you will need to concentrate on work, and your home will suffer. (Anyone want to wash my dishes?) Sometimes you need to make time for yourself, and your family and friends are temporarily of secondary importance. It all changes, it’s all in flux.
The details of your life are not the same for every day of your life, even if you think they are. Don’t believe me? I can prove it, because I scrapbook.
In April of 2010, I participated in Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project that she does every year. That year, during that week, I was working on prepping my MIL’s house for sale, my husband was driving the kids to school, and I taught two classes at the local JoAnn etc. This year? We’re in a different house, down to one car, so the kids and my husband ride buses to school and work, and I am working from home.
So much time has passed since, and so much has changed, I am going to do another Week in the Life project. Ali’s not doing her week until the fall, but I don’t want to wait that long. I’m thinking I will document a week in May: the 6th through the 12th. That will give me some time to decide on structure and contents, which I will share with you as I create them.
Join me?
Your life changes. Every single day is different, and interesting for its own sake. It’s not perfect, but it is just right. Don’t make excuses, just document it. You won’t regret it.