The kids’ winter vacation put a serious cramp in my daily blogging. Yep. That’s what I’m blaming.
Layout a Day continued however, with a new emphasis on kraft paper apparently.
The prompt for Wednesday involved using a large photo. I didn’t have any enlargements handy, but I did have this bit of memorabilia left from Halloween. The packaging was so fun, it practically demanded a scrapbook page of its own.
Thursday for me, was all about reflecting on the relationship my youngest has with his cousins. (As well as the purple and brown colors for the day’s prompt.) The visit with my sister and her very demanding and aggressively affectionate three-year-old left my kid very glad he doesn’t have any younger siblings. He does however, play really well with my brother’s daughter, who has been a lot of fun for him, once she was no longer a teeny tiny baby. I’m sure he’ll like his younger cousins more once they’re bigger too. He’s just definitely not a baby person.
The prompt for Friday was the title from a Judy Moody book. That was an easy one to do. Also, if you notice, Thursday’s and Friday’s pages use the layer cake style to create a background for the photo. While the designs are very similar, the paper variety gives them each a different appearance.
Saturday’s page is vaguely related to the day’s prompt. It started with the idea of describing myself. I’ve been a writer for forever — I still have the first story I wrote on my own in second grade somewhere. Which reminded me of the story my son wrote last year for school. He did a great job putting it together, and he’s got tons of ideas for characters. He wants to create a video game rather than a book like I did, hence all the gears on the page.
Yesterday’s prompt was about reading habits — how did our childhood reading habits affect our adulthood reading habits? While I had lots of ideas for how I could work that into something about myself, I didn’t have any relevant photos handy. I did, however, have this photo of my son reading that really worked with the idea of the prompt, so went with it. And yes, it is another layer cake page. I’ve been trying to use more scraps from my scrap bin, and this is a great way to use them up.
So that brings us up to today. Time to go listen to the prompt and get something made.
Let’s see if I can keep up with the daily posts now the kids are back in school!