I am fighting off a wonderful case of Strep throat this week, so how about an old how-to for you? With Graduation and Wedding seasons just around the corner, this is a cute way to package a gift card or cash. If you have any questions on how to make this, drop them in the comments below, and I’ll answer them as soon as I’m back on my feet.
I made some cute little gift cards for my relatives for Valentine’s day. (With some help from my youngest.) I thought I’d show you how to make them, since they’re so easy and cute. (I wonder how many times I can say “cute” in this post?)
I used the new Green paper stack from DCWV for the ones I sent my relatives, with dotted swiss bazzill paper as the inside page. The final one you’ll see here I made with scraps when I realized I hadn’t taken any pictures of the finished product. I’ll think of someone to send it to, I’m sure.
You will also need a strong double sided adhesive, like redline, or stick-ease. I’m not sure a regular tape runner is strong enough to hold the pockets shut. (I used tombow on some we made for my son’s class, and they did not stay put.) And of course you’ll need a trimmer, straight edge (aka ruler), craft knife, and a bone folder or stylus, as well as a long reach hole punch. And stamps, stickers, or photos that you love.
Start by cutting off a four-inch strip from a piece of 12X12 cardstock. I wasn’t too concerned about how “finished” the inside would look, since I knew it would be filled with pages and candy, but that may concern you, and you may want to use something double sided.
Just as an illustration, the above items are a bone folder, stylus, and scoring blade for the fiskar’s trimmer I was using. Any of these will work to score folding lines in your paper. You want to score three lines across your paper strip, one in the middle, at 6 inches, and one at 2 15/16 inches from each end.
Just run your bone folder, stylus or scoring blade down the center channel of your trimmer. I prefer my bone folder because I can be rather heavy handed, and have been known to break through the paper when using the scoring cartridge.
For those of you who are mathematically challenged, here’s 2 15/16 inches:
I hope that helped 😀
Next you’re going to cut off the top outside corner of each end. You could just fold the corner under (I’d use a glue dot to hold the corner down) but I wanted to make these as light as possible since I was going to mail these all over the eastern seaboard.
The next step may require a little help. Stamp, sticker, or otherwise embellish a 4X6 piece of solid colored cardstock, and score a line down the center (at the 3 inch mark if you need specifics). This is where my little helper came in. For any family reading this, each of your pages tells a complete story. I have no idea what the story was; you’d have to ask Simon.
Then run a piece of double sided adhesive along the edge of the flap, and tape down. Voila! You’ve got a little two pocket folder. It’s not quite big enough for school work, however. I put a piece of candy and a bookmark in each pocket after I finished assembling the card, but gift cards or love notes might work too.

To assemble, place your decorated 4X6 piece of cardstock inside the folder, and punch two holes just a bit above and below the center point. I wasn’t too exact here, I just wanted a little distance between the holes so they acted as a hinge, rather than a pivot point. From the outside, thread a piece of thin ribbon through each hole, then back out the other hole. Tie together and you’ve got a cute little package for someone special. I also added a little heart on a pop dot to the front of our valentine’s cards, but I think this pirate’s ship is pretty cute, don’t you? It’s from TAC.

I hope you’ll try to make one. It would make a great holder for a gift card or cash for a graduation or wedding present as well. Have fun creating!