Goodbye October, we hardly knew ye!
Seriously, last month went by so fast! Between being sick, trying to find a new job, family birthdays, and just general chaos, October came and went in the blink of an eye.
So, what’s the plan for November?
Let’s see…
Starting a new job.
Schedule and host a couple combo Stampin’ Up! & Pampered Chef shows.
Finish and publish my sketch book. I just got notification back from one of the companies I wanted to use as an inspiration source, and they were not willing to let me do that, three months after I originally contacted them. So now I’ve got to re-write and re-arrange a section of the sketch book. Then I’ve got to finalize the images I will be sharing with you, and try to optimize them for kindle format. I wish I could afford to pay someone to do this part for me, but that’s got to wait till it starts paying for itself.
Hosting Thanksgiving at my house. My sister’s going to be here this year!
Get new glasses. I am sitting in some pretty weird positions in order to read and use the computer.
Joining in with NaNoWriMo!

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a month long challenge to write a novel. In a month. The goal is to write 50,000 words, or about 1,667 words a day, and finish an average length novel in 30 days. It’s a pretty crazy idea, especially with everything else I’m trying to fit into the month, but I’m nothing if not a glutton for punishment.
I mean think about it. New job. New business. Might as well throw a tough challenge in there as well, right? I mean it’s not like I don’t like a monthly challenge now, is it? (LOAD anyone?)
Speaking of LOAD… Did any of you participate in LOAD this October? I only made it through the first two weeks. Then the galloping ick just sapped my will to create. That and the unholy mess that is my craft room. I desperately need to clean!
Since this month is going to be so busy, I won’t be around very much this month.
I’m not going to do my month of thankful cards. I just can’t commit to that, and have any time for my family. I think I’ll be moving to a monthly how-to. If I can figure out a way to make a video that doesn’t completely suck, I’ll be doing that. I know how much you all like videos, but between poor lighting and shoddy equipment, I haven’t had much luck shooting anything worth sharing in months.
Since I’ll be around so little, you might want to sign up for my mailing list (up at the top right) so you can get an email when I post. Emails letting you know about posts goes out once a week. So if I post once a week or three times a week, you’ll get one email for the week. If I don’t post at all, no email! When you’re new to my mailing list, you also get an email every other week with some links and posts that I think you might find interesting. That only lasts for a few months though. I’ll also let you know when a new book comes out, or if I ever get my video recording figured out, video classes too!
Whew! That sounds busy doesn’t it? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go finish my word count for today.