Monthly Archives: September 2015

I Have a Desk! And I’m Not Afraid to Use It!

I Have a Desk! And I’m Not Afraid to Use It!

Hey everyone, look!


That’s my desk! I knew it was under there somewhere!

First things first, how about some playtime with a few stamps my German son brought with him:


That will make a really cute card background, don’t you think?

Next up, let’s get caught up with Project Life. I’ve got pictures printed from mid-July through the first weekend of September, so let’s start that.

First, the photos get sorted chronologically, along with any journaling cards I’ve already completed. Then I choose what style pocket pages to use based on photo orientation.

Then it’s time to choose cards and papers to fill in the empty spots.


Finally, and this step can take the longest, for each set of pages, photo, and possibly paper, corners are rounded, journaling cards are filled out, and any embellishments I want to use are placed in the pockets.


Look, at that! July is done, and August is begun!

This is what is currently working for me. With the new job, I haven’t had a lot of time, energy or desk space to do other scrapbooking, but this is helping me keep my hand in, and keeping me from suffering from a creativity withdrawal.

What kind of scrapbooking do you do when life keeps you busy both mentally and physically?

PS You can find most of these photos on my Facebook Page. While writing a complete post is getting a bit difficult, I’m still keeping active over there. Come visit me! You could even like my page if you’re so inclined! 😉

Have You Seen My Desk?

Have You Seen My Desk?

It was here just the other day, with a clear spot for working on and everything. Could this be it?


That may be it. There are photos on it from Walgreens. I did print a new batch of photos last week. And look, there’s my Project Life album! Signs are pointing to yes.

But what are all these papers? School forms? Class print outs? Wasn’t there a planner here somewhere? And why is there a sheet of blank address labels? Color me confused.

Or perhaps overwhelmed would be the better description. New personal goal for the week, on top of every other ball that needs to stay in the air: clean off my desk so I can actually make something. I don’t know about you, but if I don’t make something soon, my head may implode.

Crafting really does help keep me happy.