Summer Want-To-Do List

Summer Want-To-Do List

One of the reasons I’m looking forward to summer vacation is because I’ll have time to do what I want to do. That doesn’t mean two months of sleeping in and ignoring the kids at dinner time, (seriously they really need to be fed every day?) but rather two months of self-directed productivity.

All my time at home this past year was spent in preparing for class, correcting and grades, and when it got overwhelming, binge reading all sorts of books and binge watching movies and tv. Thank goodness my husband cooks, or the kids would have been eating chicken nuggets and fish sticks half the year.

So what do I want to do this summer?

Well there’s the crafty things like finishing my current Project Life album, and doing a summer fun album, and creating a book of life album about my grandmother.

There’re the writing things, like finishing and publishing my book about using sketches, and finishing my children’s book, and finding the cash to pay an illustrator for another children’s book I’ve finished.

If I’m teaching next year, the jury’s still out on that one, I’ll want to do a tiny bit of prep every day, to make next year much more pleasant.

There are the little trips we’ve got planned this year–visiting an aquarium with my youngest, hiking with my oldest, and spending some quality time with my sister.

Then there are the just plain fun things that could make or break the summer. Things like getting the kids outside more, teaching my youngest to ride his bike, going to the beach, watching lots of movies, reading lots of books, star gazing, and last but not least, hanging with my friends.

That sounds like a pretty good summer to me, how about you?

messy desk||

This is the current state of my Project Life album, messy desk and all.