Feeling Appreciated

Feeling Appreciated

You may not have noticed, but I’ve been super quiet around here lately. Preparing and reminding myself about the topics I’m teaching in Biology and Chemistry has been absorbing all my mental energy. I’ve only done a little writing as well. I’ve had my project life album sitting on my desk for months, waiting for me to add journaling. In short, scrapbooking hasn’t been a big priority lately. Which is normal. You have to expect your scrapbooking output to vary depending on your circumstances.

So I was super pleased and grateful when Alice Boll asked me to be a featured scrapbooker for the first LOAD she’s running. Finally, an outside deadline for making pages! Hooray!

Today’s prompt was all about chores, and I’ve actually been keeping track of them this year.

it never ends || noexcusescrapbooking.com

Are there any chores you keep track of? It’s rather depressing and simultaneously empowering to realize how much stuff gets cleaned around here on a regular basis.

I’ll be back later this month, and share the other pages I’ve made for LOAD. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got more class prep to do. We’ve got to get them ready for their regents exams in mid-June!